
My Blueberry Nights or Birthday Sweater

My Blueberry Nights
Labai smagus, jaukus, šiltas, toks visas "mano" naujas megztukas. Tikrai gimtadieniškas - dovanų kuponą siūlams pernai padovanojo namiškiai, o aprašymas - Jurgos dovana. Beliko tik nusimegzti :). Labai patogus ir šiek tiek vėjavaikiškas - bent aš juo apsivilkusi jaučiuosi vis dar jauna. Ypač savo gimimo dieną :)

My new cardi - super cute, cozy, warm, so "truly mine". And a real birthday sweater - the yarn was a present from my family, and the pattern - a gift from Jurga. All I had to do was to knit. And the cardi turned out very comfortable and a bit carefree (frivolous maybe is a bit too strong)  - at least I'm still feeling young wearing it. Especially on my birthday :)

Очень симпатичный, уютный, теплый, такой весь "мой" новый кардиган. И двойной подарок на день рождения: нитки - подарок от домачадцев, описанием порадовала Юрга. Осталось только связать :). Очень удобная и немножко легкомысленная вещь - в ней чувстую себя еще молодой... Особенно в день рождения :)

My Blueberry Nights
Project on Ravelry: My Blueberry Nights. Pattern: Ecuador by Joji Locatelli. Yarn: Schoppel-Wolle Vintage Jeans Ball, purchased at Mezgimo zona. Photos courtesy of jurga (tangledthings)
My Blueberry Nights
My Blueberry Nights


Wordless WIP Wednesday

The Primitive Hare. The Red Riding Hood. 32ct R&R linen Lt Espresso. Threads: Chilli by Nina's Threads, Brazil Nut by Olde Willow, DMC


Patches of Life Sampler. Framed

Patches of Life. Framed
Baigta ir įrėminta. Turbūt nieko daugiau pasakyt ir nereikia :)...

Finished and framed. Probably no more words are necessary :)...

Закончено и оформлено. Думаю, больше слов и не надо :)... Patches of Life. Framed
Patches of Life. Framed
Patches of Life. Framed
Patches of Life. Framed
Patches of Life. Framed
Stitch Me Club 2012 - Patches of Life Sampler, 40ct overdyed linen (R&R Reproductions?), DMC, GAST, WDW threads (GAST Tin Bucket replaced with Milady's Teal, Aged Pewter - WDW Confederate Gray, CC Stepping Stones - DMC 640, WDW Cinnabar - GAST Calico Kitty)


A Few Patches of Life Stitched With Love

Patches of Life. Finished
Kažkaip staiga ir nepastebimai ėmiau ir užbaigiau šį semplerį. Gavosi tikrai jaukus ir mielas šeimyninis sempleris - ir nė kiek nenusivyliau, pasiryžusi siuvinėti schemą, kurios nė paveiksliuko nebuvau mačiusi. Nuojauta neapgavo :).

My sampler is finished - it was a surprise for me, how fast and easy the last stitches were put in places. I'm totally happy with the final result, even though I bought this mystery without seeing a smallest picture of what is waiting ahead. It's a really nice family sampler!

Как-то совсем не заметно и быстро вдруг закончила вышивать этот сэмплер. Результат очень обрадовал - и ни разу не пожалела о покупке схемы, хотя не видела даже картинки того, что получится. А результат - очень теплый и душевный семейный сэмплер.

Patches of Life. Finished
Stitch Me Club 2012 - Patches of Life Sampler, 40ct overdyed linen (R&R Reproductions?), DMC, GAST, WDW threads (GAST Tin Bucket replaced with Milady's Teal, Aged Pewter - WDW Confederate Gray, CC Stepping Stones - DMC 640, WDW Cinnabar - GAST Calico Kitty) Patches of Life. Finished
Patches of Life. Finished